
HH. I usually don’t play of you show me yours I’ll show you mine. Not usually. But as we get closer to November I might get more risqué

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I'm going to watch with a knot in my stomach over the idea that these two - Biden and Trump - are the best this nation can come up with? No beer for me. Chardonnay, please!

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I’m unsure why so many of you are wringing your hands over this election.

I find the choice very simple. If you’re OK with the border policy (over 10+ million Illegal), a foreign policy that has created 2 wars plus Iran 3 weeks away from having a bomb, inflation at 20%, and the awful departure from Afghanistan then your elitist choice to vote for Biden is correct.

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I really appreciate your professional insights and value your thoughts . I also marvel at how you were able to hold them in for so many years when working. It could not have been easy. After the debate and closer to, or on, election day, the undecided will hold their breath, and “with vomit in their mouth “ choose the candidate whose election we think will cause less damage to our country. Might we hold your feet to the fire by the start of November and get your final decision on your vote? Maybe we can play the serious game if you’ll tell us your vote will tell you ours.

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Excellent and thank you for your insider information about debate preps. I will be watching. Lower expectations for Biden. He just has to stay awake! You are right Trump loves an audience; that pumps him up. But he loves to talk and pontificate. A lot of undecided voters just might not vote in this election if they can't stomach voting for Trump. It will be watched by many around the world as well and could very well determine the outcome of the election and path our country will take. God help us!

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Great debate intel David.

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